Humans are creatures of habit. Think about it. When was the last time, you took a different route to work? Never. I get it. The new scenic route could take longer and you could end up being late to clock in. Well, if life is feeling mundane, you may want to do something that you have never done before.
According to new research, if you want to be happy, think new and different. Scientists have found a clear link between happiness and new experiences. A new experience can include learning a skill or traveling somewhere new as long as it is something that you don’t usually do. Somehow find a way to experience something fresh and create new memories. Humans need variety.
Researchers found those who traveled to the most places felt happier, more excited, and attentive. This study was conducted before the COVID-19 crisis took hold of the world. But it can actually help now.
Many people are stressed out by the uncertainty that surrounds COVID-19. The world had been forced to slow down and confine most to their homes. The stress and boredom combined could lead to the feeling of slight unhappiness.
If you have been feeling not so great, the best way to boost those emotions is to travel somewhere different and experience something new. Even it is trying out a new restaurant a few towns away or traveling a few states over, it could help you feel a heightened state of emotions.