It’s never too early to prepare for a hurricane! The Hurricane Season officially starts June 1 and ends November 30. This year, forecasters are predicting a somewhat mild season. Hopefully, their calculations are correct. But just in case, Cleco has suggested a few ways to prepare for a worst cast scenario.
Put together a storm kit.
Stock up on supplies needed during a power outage. This includes cash, batteries, battery operated radio, flashlights, non-perishable food, can opener, bottled water, medication, and a first aid kit.
Get Familiar with the insurance policy.
Contact your insurance company to make sure your property is adequately covered. Take plenty of photos and videos just in case proof is required. And ask if you need flood insurance.
Create and practice an evacuation plan.
Plan out a way to safely exit your home. Discuss with family members where the safe destination is located and how to get there. Plan ahead if someone in the household has special medical needs.
Test your generator.
Portable generators provide backup power to homes and businesses in the event of a power outage. Use extreme caution. Use in an open, well-ventilated area.
Source: CLECO.com