The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing people to either work from home or have their hours cut back.
That means that many individuals are having to regulate spending when it comes to buying groceries, and possibly becoming a little more creative with preparing dishes. When preparing for a quarantine, food items such as instant ramen noodles, toaster waffles and canned goods disappear from store shelves at a rapid rate.
I don’t know about you but personally I don’t want to keep eating ramen, cold-cut sandwiches or even oatmeal over and over again. To keep things from getting too boring, you need to spice it up a little and you don’t have to look very far to do so.
There are several non-perishables items that I always have in my fridge/pantry that can be transformed into budget “gourmet” quarantine meals — with a little help from the internet of course.
All of these recipes are quick and fun for the whole family.
For Breakfast:
Omelet in a Mug
In the most basic of terms, an omelet is just a flat egg, but making one in a cup is still not that special, but it’s different. I suppose it can be a good thing if you don’t want to pull out the pots and pans. It can be quickly prepared in the microwave in about 2 minutes. Experiment with your own toppings and personal flavor. I’m a huge fan of salsa on my eggs.
Eggs in a Basket
You can have toast and you can have eggs. Why not have them together? Literally one inside the other. Another quick and simple breakfast option, but this one is a little more fun for the kids. Cookie cutters work best, but a skilled hand with a knife will work just fine. Season your eggs with your own personal flair and you can cook them however you please. I’m sure you can beat your eggs and scramble them in your toast.
For lunch and dinner:
Taco in a Bag
If you so happened to stock up on Doritios™ and ground beef, well I have the recipe for you. Everyone has had Chili Fritos™, but let’s think a little bigger.
Ramen Noodle Stir Fry
All you need is a skillet, instant ramen and a creative mind. Making your food sizzle will make anyone feel like a professional chef. Imagine yourself as a hibachi chef or imagine you’re frying up some fajitas and you have to tell your family, “Careful, the plate is hot,” as you place the sizzling dish in front of them. I know I’ll be in for a great meal when the food is sizzling and my server tells me that. Experiment with vegetables and meat like shrimp or chicken if you have any.
For a Snack:
Cake in a Cup
This is one of my personal favorites. One of my past college roommates showed me how to make this. This recipe is for a chocolate cake, but there are so many other flavors, as well as muffins and cookies that you can find on the internet. This is quick, simple and sweet.
Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
If you’re looking for a somewhat healthier option granola bars are always a good option. I’m sure everyone bought tons of them, but where’s the fun in eating pre-prepared snacks? This is a fun recipe to do with the kids. Experiment with other kinds of ingredients, like fruit or peanut butter.
— Written by Troy Brashear Jr. / Delta Media Intern